Excerpts, Samples, and Other Documents
Records under collection views are grouped by keywords and folders. Keywords mostly refer to dance titles, project names, and instructional terms, while folder names refer to specific performances, instructional series, and individual events. Some records that cannot be tagged with specific keywords will appear at the bottom under “ZZZ – Others” title.
If you are accessing this page from a desktop or laptop browser, you may use Filter, Group, Sort, and Search functions at the top of the Airtable grid to quickly find records of interest.
If you find any record marked “Private” and would like to see the record, you may contact info@charyaburt.com to get permission. Please include Record Number and purpose of use in your inquiry.
To see a larger Airtable view, go to https://airtable.com/shrg10cxn1DsYYpYp.